I have a passion for creating the optimum user experience based on research insights. I Coordinated and managed user testing across products. The testing methods were both live moderated 1:1, online self-moderated tests, and classroom observation.
Managed usability testing with vendors and in-house lab.
Set up an in-house usability lab
Facilitated “team“ training sessions that included role-playing and constructive feedback
Create a cross-location user testing team. Met biweekly to share test results, new techniques, and process ideas.
Formulated a “friends and family” recruiting model for student participants. The database has been instrumental in providing student participants who have valuable insight into our products.
Developed protocol and results templates for the online testing tool UserZoom.
Initiated and managed classroom observations at a local elementary school. This provided opportunities for designer and marketing teams to observe teachers and students interacting in their environment.
The Boston based usability Lab tests the "Friends & Family" GRK-12 students. All student participants are encouraged to explore the user interface and share ideas.
After larger user tests, the team has a workshop to determine high-level findings.
Recruit, build, and execute online tests.
This progressive school used the workshop model which influenced the physical setup of the classroom. All classrooms had a large area rug where the students sat at the beginning of the class.
I create many types of document output for the design thinking during a product's development process. This allows us to determine touch points, discover opportunities, and keep everyone up to date with the latest thinking.
User flows help facilitate discussion in workshops. This is especially helpful on video conference calls. I place the flows in a grid with numbered rows and lettered columns.The team can reference the screen's number and letter to keep everyone on the same screen when discussing ideas.
The journey was to capture a typical day of a student and their touchpoints with the digital content, the device used, and if the device was online or offline.
The blueprint is a deeper dive into the typical student school day. Captures what is happening "behind the curtain".
The current challenge is implementing rapid user testing within the product development. The ideal cycle process integrates user testing into sprints. The goal is to align and track the user test tasks in the sprints. Ultimately, ensuring the implementation of the user findings during development.
Team member, Joe and I workshopped a workflow that includes user testing from the beginning of the development cycle to the end. Resulting in the immediate implementation of user test results in the development of a product.
A mental model was used to capture student behavior and their needs. This student mental model is aligning a users experience when accessing 3 different types of content.
The purpose of this exercise was to map out and align multiple products features. Then identify gaps, opportunities, and redundancies. The last 2 columns list the common feature and the differentiating ones.
Prototype screens and flow.
The task flow identifies the 3 entry points to the content.
User flows were also used to capture messaging and redirects.
My Notebook is a note and image storage feature for students and teachers. The notebook allows students to write notes within the context of the eBook or in the app and save to their notebook. The teacher capabilities allow the teacher to write a note and share with students. Both teacher and students can comment on notes being shared. The commenting on shared notes is the most basic form of communication without building out a messaging app.
We determined the high-level capabilities such as create, share, and edit a note in a folder.
link to prototype: https://xgt0r0.axshare.com/#c=2
We determined the user must have access to the Notebook from any location in the application. The links were added to the top navigation submenu.
The Design team sketched out two UX solutions for the sharing and commenting scenarios.
Tasks and questions were captured below the screens for discussion with the larger team.
Added additional flows that came out of the session.
The home screen model is similar to Google Drive. The model allows the user to easily find and organize their notes. The organization structure is shallow with sorting and filtering capabilities.
Board view lists all notes in a card or list format
Questions answered in the eBook are automatically saved to My Notebook. The Notebook is a repostory for any student input within the Player.
My Notebook has a writing tool that can be accessed from the top banner of the application.
DataManager is the number one assessment product used by school districts in the United States. DataManager assesses students’ performance from grades K-12. Currently, the test is administered in both print and online. The business goal was to move all States to online testing. UX’s first priority was to improve the overall online user experience for all administrator user personas.
The HMH Player app was awarded 3 awards in the education technology field.
2016 Glowing Screen Award for the HMH Player. Awarded for outstanding UX/UI design for schools and districts transitioning to digital curriculum.
2015 Winner of Award for Excellence for the HMH Player,
Tech & Learning Conference
2014 ISTE Best of Show for the HMH Player,
Tech & Learning Conference